External office doors have an age-old problem. Not constructed properly, and water permeates the core, causing swelling. Painted a dark colour, and after a couple of weeks of sun exposure, the door’s as bent as a banana!

With our proprietary external office door construction method, we aim to minimise these issues as much as possible, through two amendments. The first is to create a widened, sturdier internal frame, on all four sides of the door. This reduces the risk of water permeation, and additionally strengthens the door. Secondly, (optional, however highly recommended for doors being painted a dark colour) we build metal internal supports into the core of the door during manufacturing. This adds resistance to the door against bowing or misshaping.

For a more industrial look to your external door, Aluform can clad the door in a thin metal capping. This is also done in-house to ensure a high quality finish, and the metal sheets are sourced from a local supplier; this allows for a very quick turnaround. Alternatively, external doors can be built from a sturdy aluminium frame, with louvres. An example of this can be found in our CGS Primary project completed recently.

Follow the prompts below to generate a custom, RFI-proof specification for your external office doors – and copy-and-paste it right into your documents!

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Please note: while Aluform takes every precaution to minimise the impact of water and sun exposure to external office doors, we cannot guarantee that the doors will not swell or bow. This is because we do not have control over the situation in which the doors are installed, and the quality of the installation. To the extent of our control, these doors are suitable for external usage.